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TandDyreklinikken Level of Excellence in Veterinary Dentistry (TDK-LEVD Eta) – English

Would you like to become a veterinary dentist? If yes, this programme is for you. You will be taught every kind of dental treatment that might come your way as a practising veterinarian specialising in domestic pets.
DKK 124.000,-
20 days
8 personer

TandDyreklinikken Level of Excellence in Veterinary Dentistry (TDK-LEVD Eta) – English

The LEVD programme is a unique opportunity to receive a comprehensive education AND a degree that verifies a highly professional level in both theory and practice. It has the unique opportunity to sit an exam at the end of the programme.

The programme combines theoretical lectures, numerous practical training sessions, and homework and has no more than eight participants per class for maximum benefit from both theoretical teaching in class, where discussions on a professional level are easier, and in practical training sessions, where there is plenty of equipment, and time spent waiting for your teacher is kept at a minimum.

The programme consists of six modules and an exam – 20 days in total. The teaching modules are supported by home assignments that participants must complete in between modules. A certain number of hours for ’homework’ must be expected.

dato for kursus

Dato og tid

Startdato: 27. oktober 2025

Slutdato: 29. oktober 2026
Tidspunkt: An English taught LEVD course will be scheduled according to interest. Sign-up (no-binding) and we will return with proposed dates when a group is forming.
dyrlæger og veterinærsygeplejersker


Jens Ruhnau DVM, specialdyrlæge i veterinær odontologi, EBVS European Veterinary Specialist in Dentistry, Dipl.EVDC.



If a team consists solely of Danish participants, the teaching will take place in Danish. However, material and slides will be in English.
målgruppe for kursus


Veterinarians with an interest in dental care


TandDyreklinikken ApS
Måløv Værkstedsby 99
2760 Måløv

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Vi holder lukket fra den 24. december 2024 til og med den 5. januar 2025 - begge dage incl.

TandDyreklinikken søger veterinærsygeplejerske